Chapter 2: Whole Numbers Notes

PDF Notes Maths Class 6 CBSE

Shikha Kular


Chapter Description

This chapter provides an in-depth exploration of whole numbers, including their definition, properties, and operations. It covers the fundamental concepts of natural numbers, whole numbers, and their relationships.

What You Will Learn

  • Understanding Whole Numbers: Learn about the definition and importance of whole numbers, their role in everyday life.
  • Predecessors & Successors: How to find a number that comes just before it or after it.
  • The Number Line: How to place numbers on the line, and how to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division using that line.

Chapter Content

  • Introduction to Whole Numbers
    • Definition and Importance of Whole Numbers
    • Brief History of Number Systems
    • Roman Numerals and Hindu-Arabic Numeral Systems
    • Definition and Importance of Whole Numbers
    • Brief History of Number Systems
    • Roman Numerals and Hindu-Arabic Numeral Systems

  • Predecessor and Successor
    • Definition of Predecessor and Successor
    • Examples and Exercises
    • Definition of Predecessor and Successor
    • Examples and Exercises

  • The Number Line
    • Drawing a Number Line
    • Marking Whole Numbers
    • Comparing Numbers on the Number Line
    • Drawing a Number Line
    • Marking Whole Numbers
    • Comparing Numbers on the Number Line

  • Operations on Whole Numbers Using the Number Line
    • Addition on the Number Line
    • Subtraction on the Number Line
    • Addition on the Number Line
    • Subtraction on the Number Line

The "Whole Numbers" chapter is available for download in PDF format, making it accessible to students at any time and from any location.

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