Chapter 3: Separation of Substances

PDF Notes Science Class 6 CBSE

Ajit Prabhakar


Chapter Description

Chapter 3: Separation of Substances explains the methods and importance of separating different components from mixtures. This chapter covers the basic techniques used in everyday life to separate substances so that we can remove unwanted materials and obtain useful components. The chapter also teaches various methods like handpicking, threshing, winnowing, sieving, sedimentation, decantation, filtration, evaporation, and condensation.

What You Will Learn

  • What are mixtures and why you need to separate them
  • Various methods of separating substances from mixtures
  • Practical applications of separation techniques in daily life

Chapter Content

  • Introduction to Mixtures
    • Definition of a mixture
    • Examples of common mixtures
    • Types of mixtures: homogeneous and heterogeneous
    • Why Do We Need to Separate Mixtures?

  • Methods of Separation
    • Handpicking: Separating larger impurities using hands
    • Threshing: Separating grains from stalks
    • Winnowing: Using wind to separate lighter husk from heavier grains
    • Sieving: Using a sieve to separate particles based on size

  • Sedimentation, Decantation, and Filtration
    • Sedimentation: Settling down of heavier particles
    • Decantation: Pouring out clear liquid from settled solids
    • Filtration: Using a filter to separate solid particles from a liquid

  • Evaporation and Condensation
    • Evaporation: Converting liquid into gas to leave behind solid particles
    • Condensation: Converting gas back into liquid

  • Solution and Saturated Solution
    • Solution: Homogeneous mixture of solute and solvent
    • Saturated Solution: Solution where no more solute can dissolve
    • Factors affecting saturation: temperature, type of solute and solvent

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