Chapter 3: In the Earliest Cities

NCERT Solutions History Class 6 CBSE

Mathew George


Chapter Description

Chapter 3 "In the Earliest Cities" discusses in detail the Harappan civilization and its cities, such as Harappa and Mohenjodaro. It explains the architecture, urban planning, trade, crafts, and daily life of the people who lived in these ancient cities.

Key Highlights

  • Discovery of Harappa: The historical significance of the discovery of Harappa and how it led to the Harappan civilization
  • City Layout: Detailed description of the city layout, including the citadel and lower town
  • Houses and Drains: Detailed structure of Harappan houses, drainage systems, and streets
  • Specialized Crafts: How specialists made beads, seals, and other artifacts
  • Raw Materials and Trade: Info on where raw materials were sourced and the trade networks of the Harappans
  • End of the Civilization: Discussion on the decline of the Harappan cities

Type of Questions You Will Get

  • Evidence-Based Questions: Questions about how archaeologists know that cloth was used in the Harappan civilization
  • Matching Columns: Matching different materials with their sources, such as copper with Rajasthan and gold with Karnataka
  • Importance of Inventions: What are the significance of metals, writing, the wheel, etc.
  • Listing and Comparison: Making lists of terracotta toys and comparing the life of Harappan farmers and herders with those in earlier chapters
  • Diet and Agriculture: Listing the foods eaten by the Harappans and identifying those still eaten today
  • Descriptive Questions: Describing important buildings in modern cities and identifying old buildings in the locality and their caretakers

The NCERT Solutions for "Chapter 3: In the Earliest Cities" is available to download for free in PDF format, so that Class 6 students can use them for offline study.

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What, Where, How & When

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Chapter 6

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From A Kingdom To An Empire

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Chapter 8

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