Chapter 4: Getting to Know Plants

NCERT Solutions Science Class 6 CBSE

Ajit Prabhakar


Chapter Description

The "Chapter 4: Getting to Know Plants" teaches you classification of plants and the various parts of a plant, including functions and characteristics. The chapter also explains about herbs, shrubs, and trees, how to identify them, and different parts of a plant such as roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and fruits. It also discusses how these parts contribute to the growth and survival of a plant.

Types of Questions You'll Get

  • Correcting false statements about plant parts and their functions
  • Drawing diagrams of a leaf, taproot, and flower
  • Describe the functions of stems, roots, and leaves
  • Explaining the role of leaves in photosynthesis
  • Identifying plants with reticulate or parallel venation
  • Categorize plants based on their root types (taproot or fibrous roots)
  • Name and describe the parts of a flower
  • Identifying plants with joined or separate sepals
  • Miscellaneous questions such as finding the ovary in a flower, listing plants that have flowers, etc.

The NCERT Solutions for "Getting to Know Plants" chapter is available for download in PDF format, making it accessible to students at any time and from any location.

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