Chapter 2: From Hunting-Gathering to Growing Food

NCERT Solutions History Class 6 CBSE

Mathew George


Chapter Description

Chapter 2: From Hunting-Gathering to Growing Food of Class 6 History discusses the transformation in human history from being hunter-gatherers to becoming farmers and herders. It explains how early humans adapted to environmental changes, domesticated plants and animals, and established permanent settlements.

It further explains how early humans survived by hunting animals and gathering plants, why hunter-gatherers moved from place to place in search for food, water, and suitable living conditions, how farmers established farming communities, constructed homes, and developed storage methods for food.

Key Highlights

  • Hunter-gatherers moved to find food, follow animal migrations, and access water sources
  • Early humans used stone, wood, and bone tools for hunting, gathering, and daily activities
  • The process of taming animals and cultivating plants, leading to the rise of agriculture
  • Transition from nomadic life to building permanent homes and communities, such as those found in Mehrgarh
  • Early uses of fire for cooking, protection, and light
  • Important sites like Bhimbetka and Mehrgarh that provide evidence of early human activities and settlements

Type of Questions You Will Get

  • Fill in the Blanks related to hunter-gatherers and the development of grasslands
  • Reasoning questions such as explain why people who grow crops stay in one place for a long time, why archaeologists believe Mehrgarh's inhabitants shifted from hunting to herding, etc.
  • Comparing questions such as the reasons for movement of hunter-gatherers with modern travel reasons
  • List various uses of fire by early humans
  • Describe differences between the lives of farmers/herders and hunter-gatherers
  • Flow Chart Questions such as create a chart showing stages of growing cereals, and how they reach us from farmers

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