Chapter 7: From A Kingdom To An Empire

NCERT Solutions History Class 6 CBSE

Mathew George


Chapter Description

Chapter 7 "From a Kingdom to an Empire" of Class 6 History discusses the transformation of the Mauryan kingdom into a vast empire under the leadership of Chandragupta Maurya, his son Bindusara, and his grandson Ashoka. It also teaches students about the administrative structure of the empire, the changes introduced by Ashoka after the Kalinga war, and the spread of Ashoka's dhamma.

Key Highlights

  • Rise of Mauryan Empire: How Chandragupta Maurya, with the help of Chanakya, founded the Mauryan Empire and expanded it
  • Administrative Structure: Understanding the roles of various officials, the collection of taxes, and the control of different regions
  • Ashoka's Dhamma: The principles of Ashoka's dhamma, respect for all living beings, and moral conduct
  • Spread of Ashoka's Messages: The methods Ashoka used to spread his teachings, such as inscriptions on rocks and pillars, and sending messengers to other regions

Type of Questions You Will Get

  • Listing Questions such as List the various occupations of people in the Mauryan Empire, such as farmers, craftspersons, etc.
  • Fill in the Blanks related to the collection of taxes, roles of royal princes, control of transport routes, etc.
  • True or False statements about the Mauryan Empire, such as the role of Ujjain, the authorship of the Arthashastra, etc.
  • Explanation Questions like Explain the problems Ashoka aimed to solve with his dhamma
  • Other Questions such as Describe methods Ashoka used to spread his dhamma, Discuss the treatment of slaves and servants, etc.

The NCERT Solutions for Chapter 7: "From a Kingdom to an Empire" of Class 6 History is available for download in PDF format, which makes it easy for students to access them for offline study at any time and from any place.

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