Chapter 9: Data Handling

PDF Notes Maths Class 6 CBSE

Shikha Kular


Chapter Description

The "Chapter 9: Data Handling" of Class 6 Maths focuses on the essential concepts of collecting, organizing, and interpreting data. This chapter provides a detailed understanding of different methods to record and represent data visually using lists, tables, tally marks, pictographs, and bar graphs.

What You Will Learn

  • Definition and importance of data
  • Methods of recording data
  • Techniques for organizing data
  • How to represent data using pictographs and bar graphs
  • Analyzing data to identify patterns and trends

Chapter Content

  • Introduction to Data Handling
    • Definition of data
    • Importance of data handling
    • Applications of data handling in daily life

  • Recording Data
    • Steps to record data
    • Methods of recording data: lists, tables, charts

  • Organizing Data
    • Methods of organizing data: lists, tables, tally marks
    • Examples of organizing data using different methods

  • Pictographs
    • Definition of pictographs
    • Interpreting pictographs
    • Examples of data representation using pictographs

  • Bar Graphs
    • Definition of bar graphs
    • Creating and interpreting bar graphs
    • Examples of data representation using bar graphs

The "Chapter 9: Data Handling" is available for download in PDF format, which means students can access it at any time and from any location.

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