Chapter 1: Components of Food

NCERT Solutions Science Class 6 CBSE

Ajit Prabhakar


Chapter Description

The chapter "Components of Food" explains the different components of food, why they are essential for the human body, and different types of tests on how to find them in your food. It discusses the major nutrients required for a balanced diet, the role of each nutrient in maintaining health, and the different types of sources of these nutrients. The chapter also introduces the concept of a balanced diet and discusses deficiency diseases caused by a lack of specific nutrients. The chapter contains diagrams and images to explain the concept better.

What Questions You'll Get?

  • Naming major nutrients and their functions
  • Identifying food sources rich in specific nutrients
  • True/false statements about balanced diets and nutritional requirements
  • Fill-in-the-blanks related to deficiency diseases and nutrient sources
  • Practical tests such as conducting simple tests to identify the carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in food

The NCERT Solutions for "Components of Food" chapter is available for download in PDF format, making it accessible to students at any time and from any location.

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